Sunday, January 13, 2013

Day Seven: Daniel Fast 2013

Lord, teach us to pray. Luke 11:1
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Rock International Tribe

How Prayer Works!

Day Seven: Daniel Fast 2013

Beloved of God,

There was only one thing the disciples asked Jesus to teach them. It was how to pray. Because they made the connection between Jesus' lifestyle of prayer and his ability to advance God's kingdom on earth, they were eager to learn worship and intercession from their rabbi (teacher). Would you like to know how prayer works? Learning to pray is essential in light of God's promise, "Whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith." Matt. 21:22

Here are key Biblical concepts we need to grasp:

1. In Genesis 1:26-27, God said "let them rule". God delegated a portion of His authority to humanity and therefore "bound Himself" to our faith and actions. He will not move on earth unless we ask Him to do so!

2. Christ's shed blood and death on the cross, His resurrection, ascension, and return to earth in the form of the Holy Spirit, and His infiltration of the human heart, enables us to be "sons of God" who can once again bring the kingdom of God onto the earth underneath Christ's kingly rule. As sons of God, born again and baptized by the Holy Spirit, we have been delegated the authority to take back planet earth. The first and most important way we do this is through worship and prayer.

3. We come to our Father, through the powerful name of Jesus Christ, and we ask God for what has already been purchased by Christ through His death. In other words, all the mercy and grace of God, all the good things in heaven are already available! All we have to do is ask in faith for those things which are God's will, and we will receive them in due time. We do not have to rant and rave, scream and shout, or repeat ourselves over and over again. We have a merciful, good, and loving Father who has already provided the Way for His answers through Jesus Christ.

4. Prayer is really a "legal" request made to a sovereign King, by sons of the King, asking for the King to release His kingdom on earth. See Matt. 6:5-15; Luke 11:1-13

5. The Greek word for "church" in the New Testament is "ecclesia". The "ecclesia" is defined as a ruling legislative governmental entity that has authority to determine what does or doesn't happen in its jurisdiction. When two or more members of the "ecclesia" agree in prayer on what God wants to do in their city or region, take their official request to the King through Jesus Christ, then the King is "free" to grant their petition. This is why corporate prayer, in unity with other members of the body of Christ, is so effectual.

The number one "job description" of a disciple of Christ is worship and prayer. Prayer "releases" or "permits" God to move on earth through the Holy Spirit. Praise and prayer are to be the lifestyle of Christ's followers. It is to occur as naturally as breathing, ongoing and without ceasing. Prayer flows from an intimate relationship with Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  See Ro. 8:26; Eph. 6:18; 1 Thess. 5:17; 2 Thess. 1:11

For Christ and the Kingdom,

Tim Johns
Rock International Tribe
PO Box 472
Ft Collins, CO  80522

"We are an international spiritual family that makes disciples of Christ by starting church-planting churches which advance the kingdom of God, positively transforming cities and regions, for the glory of God."
Upcoming Events:

January 18-21, 2013: Church-planting "tour" through Rawlins, Rock Springs, Pinedale, Jackson Hole - Wyoming

March 1-3. 2013: Regional Tribal Gathering in El Paso, Texas

August 6-10, 2013: Tribal Gathering in Laramie, Wyoming  Theme - "From Presence to Planting"

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