Friday, November 18, 2011

Timothy & Janet Johns: Our Time of Transition

November 18, 2011

Hello Dear Family & Friends,

Blessings and love to all of you. You are constantly in our hearts and prayers.

Janet and I have had quite a season of change and transition. Last November (2010), we moved to Ft Collins, CO, so that we could focus more intentionally on our relationship with Jesus and each other. We also needed to be in closer proximity to Laramie, WY, so that we could serve the new church family more effectively. Our marriage, while solid and healthy, has taken on a fresh and deeper romance and intimacy. The church in Laramie is growing in all ways. The relocation has proved to be a very good decision.

Jason and Sarah Johns (along with grandchildren Kaden & Elise...with another grand daughter on the way) felt God wanted them to partner with us.  They have been living in our home for the last five months. They are truly a gift from God!  By the way, today is Jason's 30th birthday.

We know that God is inviting us into a very important time of prayer and fasting,  plus listening and waiting on the Holy Spirit. We think Father wants to "reconstitute" and "upgrade" our ministry. Those who have been relationally and purposefully joined with us to "reclaim Christ's kingdom in cities and nations" are essential contributors to the communication and decision making process.

Hearing God, communicating with partners, writing and planning will take at least another 8 to 12 months. The general emphasis of being a catalyst who starts new churches and ministries, renovates existing churches, and helps transform cities holistically through Christ and His kingdom will not change.  The improvements will be in the areas of heart motives and attitudes, increased wisdom and revelation, how we are to partner with the larger church family, what strategies we employ to effectively serve cities and ultimately "bring all things under Christ" for the advancement of His glory. 

Your prayers and partnership during this transitional season are vital. What we are attempting is 100% impossible without God. Any and all progress will be totally supernatural. That is why we must humble ourselves before God, obeying Him quickly, completely, and cheerfully, and asking Him for the power of the Holy Spirit 24/7.

We love and appreciate you all so very much.  May God richly bless you and manifest His presence in your life every day!

In Father's Affection,

Timothy & Janet Johns

Rock International
PO Box 472
Ft Collins, CO  80522